Oh, don’t worry, we will let our hair down tonight— but first we must remember on this stage, the queen we lost, who they killed not too far from here just...
letting the words fly like smoke uncurling from our mouths we lie in bed with dykes ten years our junior, make pot heaps to share, sleep in the same flannel sheets, plot colored artist collaborations underground and not top 40, draw the constellations from...
I pray for us as evening glides over implore the gods pray for us pray for this breathing planet the milky way dreams us into galaxy no need for heaven this is how it started: way out beyond we below the sweet of your lips dipped in promise anxieties claim us bark and skin what we...
My father said to me once your only choices are the factories. Oil stains or the selfsame bruises. No longings for the night. Looking back I think of things I could have done differently ... Sure, it could have all been different, but what’s the use now, when all...
The children in the life: Another telephone call. Another man gone. How many pages are left in my diary? Do I have enough pencils? Enough ink? I count on my fingers and toes the past kisses, the incubating years, the months ahead.
Most wounds are circles, so it’s no surprise you’ll find me here. Alone. On my knees, on evenings when the moon hangs low. The brown boy behind the hole—not quite the size of a cave or a cigarette burn. Splitting open my lips the way...