My goldfinch, I'll toss back my head—

Translated By Peter France
My goldfinch, I'll toss back my head—
let's look at the world, you and I:
a wintry day, prickly as stubble,
is it just as rough on your eye?

Tail like a boat, black and gold plumage,
dipped in paint from the beak down—
are you aware, my little goldfinch,
what a goldfinch dandy you are?

What air there is on his forehead:
black and red, yellow and white—
the keeps a sharp lookout both ways,
won't look now, he's flown out of sight. 

Copyright Credit:  ''My goldfinch, I’ll toss back my head'' by Osip Mandelstam, translated by Peter France, from Black Earth, translation copyright © 2021 by Peter France. Compilation copyright © 2021 by New Directions Publishing. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp. 
Source: Black Earth (New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2021)