Away above a Harborful . . .

Away above a harborful
                                              of caulkless houses   
among the charley noble chimneypots
                  of a rooftop rigged with clotheslines   
             a woman pastes up sails
                                          upon the wind
hanging out her morning sheets
                                             with wooden pins
                                  O lovely mammal
                                             her nearly naked breasts   
                        throw taut shadows
                                             when she stretches up   
to hang at last the last of her
                                              so white washed sins   
                  but it is wetly amorous
                                                   and winds itself about her   
                     clinging to her skin
                                                   So caught with arms   
            she tosses back her head
                                              in voiceless laughter   
    and in choiceless gesture then
                                                 shakes out gold hair

while in the reachless seascape spaces

                           between the blown white shrouds   

         stand out the bright steamers

                                                to kingdom come

Copyright Credit: Lawrence Ferlinghetti, “Away above a Harborful...” from These Are My Rivers: New and Selected Poems. Copyright © 1955 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Reprinted with the permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation,
Source: These Are My Rivers: New and Selected Poems (New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1993)