Prose from Poetry Magazine

An Essay into the Poetry of Mrs. Celia Dropkin

Homage to a Yiddish-Language Poet.

BY Lucy Biederman

Originally Published: July 01, 2019
A handwritten note on a white background. The text begins: "An Essay into the Poetry of Mrs. Celia Dropkin 1887-1956..."


A handwritten note on a white background. Each line is text paired with a cut-out found graph. The header is "A -/Key/- Code into the Language of the Poet"


A handwritten note on a white background. The note begins "CODE(X) 'every letter has rules'"


A handwritten note on a white background. It begins, "CODE(X) I remember the 8 people who lived..."


Layers of handwritten notes on top of each other. Some sections are legible, but others are too layered. There is some Hebrew text, as well.


Layers of handwritten notes on top of each other. Some sections are legible, but others are too layered. There is some Hebrew text, as well.


Lucy Biederman is the author of The Walmart Book of the Dead (Vine Leaves Press, 2017) and several scholarly articles about American women writers. She is an assistant professor at Heidelberg University.

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