How These New Homegirls Sing

Sarton Selected (Ed. by Bradford Dudley Daziel) [May Sarton]

Heroes in Disguise, by Linda Pastan

The Cult of the Right Hand, by Elaine Terranova

Bears Dancing in the Northern Air, by Christiane Jacox Kyle

Winter Chickens and Other Poems and Let the Ice Speak, by Wendy Barker

The Past Keeps Changing, by Chana Bloch

Tall Stranger, by Gillian Conoley

Out of Canaan, by Mary Stewart Hammond

String Light, by C. D. Wright

An Atlas of the Difficult World: Poems 1988-1991, by Adrienne Rich

[Hilda Doolittle, Marianne Moore, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman]

How These New Homegirls Sing

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (August 1992)

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