The Hawk and the Lizard, by Gene Frumkin

First and Last Things

Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil (Ed. by Marthiel and Jackson Mathews)

The Collected Later Poems, by William Carlos Williams

Collected Poems, by Ralph Hodgson

The Beginning and the End, by Robinson Jeffers

Affinities, by Vernon Watkins

New Poems, by Robert Graves

Naked as the Glass, by Jean Burden

Final Solutions, by Frederick Seidel

Blind Man's Holiday, by R. G. Everson

The Imaged Word, by Rolf Fjelde

The Hungry Lions, by Joanne de Longchamps

By Felix N. Stefanile

The World's Old Way, by Larry Rubin

By Felix N. Stefanile

Sorrow's Spy, by James L. Weil

By Felix N. Stefanile

Ups & Downs of a Third Baseman, by R. R. Cuscaden

By Felix N. Stefanile

Voyage Noir, by Robin Magowan

By Felix N. Stefanile

The Destruction of Cathedrals, by Daisy Aldan

By Felix N. Stefanile

Two Sides of an Island, by Martin Halpern

By Felix N. Stefanile

Breakfast Rum, by David Cohen

By Felix N. Stefanile

A Catalogue of Nine

By Felix N. Stefanile

The Hawk and the Lizard, by Gene Frumkin

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Source: Poetry (February 1964)

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