Letter from Poetry Magazine

Letter to the Editor

BY Robin Winning

Originally Published: October 23, 2008

Dear Editor,

I have been listening to the Poetry podcast since it started in October, and I enjoy it very much. I appreciate your accessible, unpretentious approach to poetry, how you discuss the poems just like “normal” people, with insight and enthusiasm, and without jargon or hifalutin lit-crit-speak. Having the two hosts bouncing off each other creates an informal, conversational tone that draws the listener in.

My favorite episode so far is the one that featured George Szirtes reading “Ross: Children of the Ghetto.” I was in the supermarket and I had to pull my cart over and listen to him reading it again. And again. There was something about that poem, and the way Szirtes read it, that went right through my cerebral cortex and down my spine, and only got up to the processing part of my brain later.

Thanks again for the wonderful podcast! I look forward to it every month.