Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
I applaud Jon Stallworthy’s assessment of Grey Gowrie [“A Change of Heart,” February 2009]. Gowrie’s work deserves to be better known, especially its masterful centerpiece, The Domino Hymn, Poems from Harefield. The wit and utter seriousness of this sequence ring a refreshing change on our lyric tradition, and a turn on that reflexive mode, elegy. It may prove as well a lasting enlargement of the genre of the occasional poem.
Stephen Sandy was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and earned his BA from Yale University and his MA and PhD from Harvard University, where he studied poetry with Robert Lowell and Archibald MacLeish. He was the author of 11 collections of poetry, including Man in the Open Air: Poems (1988), Thanksgiving over the Water (1992), The Thread: New and Selected Poems (1998), Black Box (1999), ...