Letter from Poetry Magazine

Letter to the Editor

BY Pamela Loeser

Originally Published: September 04, 2012

Dear Editor,

The editors of Choice Magazine Listening, a free audio magazine anthology for blind, visually impaired, and physically disabled adults, wish to thank Poetry for being one of our best sources for outstanding poetry and essays through the years. We pride ourselves on recording the finest contemporary writing for our special audience. Quite often that includes selections from your fine magazine, whether it’s “Great Depression Story” (Claudia Emerson, December 2006), “The Great Scorer” (John Wooden, July/August 2010), or “Disorder and Early Sorrow” (Michael Hofmann, July/August 2011), to name a few recent examples. Choice Magazine Listening is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year. As we embark on our next fifty years, we look forward to including many more fine selections from Poetry.