Vinaigre des Quatres Voleurs (Thieves Oil)

When scaling bodies like bricks / protect yourself / with your thieves oil /
amalgam of essential hydrophobes / curious gift et antiseptique / keep this
serum on yourself / in a vial like history / nine oils collaborating for six
centuries / colorful like your lies / designed to split you in four / for
first you must / dab some on your chest / ce parfum de voleur-apprenti /
so you might respire / slink around death in her marmite / then you must
coat the tops of your feet / internal support / to ward off maggots that
crawl on / or out of bellies / trailing the undefended / in immature prayer to
fly / but do take care / to not forget / the back of your throat / where
plagues summer / vertebrae visited / by ghost roof rats / enzootic / and this
genocidal season / do dilute your vinegar / drown it / this brigand’s broth /
in carrier oil / like sweet northern almond / so that absinthe / ail /
cinnamon bark / eucalyptus radiata / rosemary / lavande / lemon / clou de
girofle / and sage / do not dry you out / for God forbid you take all that
care / as you walk past the vats of cooking oil where the standing dead
swim / and bend down to strip the bodies you piled like bricks of their
worthless wealth / boosting their pockets / without / first / boosting your
immunity / staining your body’s coat / in order / to not compromise it /
your largest external organ / scaly sentinel.

Source: Poetry (January 2022)