Color Study in Blue

First frame: White shoulder
in a car, tank top, seatbelt.
Second: Sign reads “Motel $29.”
Third frame: Desk and over
there an Al-Anon brochure
“Detachment.” Four: Window
with blue lights. On and off.
Five: Domina’s half face. She’s in
the wig. Six: Window again.
Seven: Leo DiCaprio says
“with all due respect, Miss.”
Eight: On and off. On and off.
Nine: Domina’s palm is up.
The music stops.

Director: The Cyborg Jillian Weise.
Sound Engineer: Michael Reed.
Disability Justice Consulting: Haben Girma.
Voice-Over: Canese Jarboe.
Image Descriptions: Cy Weise.
Descriptive Transcript: Canese Jarboe and Cy Weise.
Source: Poetry (February 2022)