
May 2023

Cover artist: Tré Seals
Don’t let the world
and its desires
ruin you.
 Cynthia Cruz
  • Assotto Saint
  • Kim Hyesoon
  • Toi Derricotte
  • Mona Kareem
  • Randall Mann
Table of Contents

From this Issue




By Marie Howe
What we did to the earth, we did to our daughters
one after the other.

What we did to the trees, we did to our elders
stacked in their wheelchairs by the lunchroom door.

What we did to our daughters, we did to our...
By Robert Wood Lynn
until there were none left
and we had to breed them
in captivity. Nature continued
to re-evolve its crab. Possum
hands insisted on looking
like ours for no good reason.
It’s not that we let ourselves
down. But there was something
predictable about us. Our smiles
identically involuntary while...



By Brian Tierney
Dogs barking do you hear me do you hear me yes I do
the abridged version, sun having shone all day on their chains.
Late-lunch squirrels lathing loquats
with their buck front teeth and carrots

disappearing from the community garden for seasonal soups
no one...
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Table of Contents

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