Image of Poetry magazine October 2001

October 2001

James McNeill Whistler, "The Doorway," 1908.
  • Helen Vendler
  • Robert Bense
  • Judith Berke
  • Carole Bernstein
  • Jill Bialosky
Table of Contents

From this Issue



In Time

As far as clocks—and it is time to think of them—
I have one on my kitchen shelf and it is
flat, with a machine-made flair, a perfect
machine from 1948, at the latest,
and made of shining plastic with the numbers
sharp and clear...


During the Service

How strange my lack of faith must seem to you.
I see the way your god provides a cradle for your grief;
how lovely to be certain that the ancient story's true.

You sang the hymns as if each...
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Table of Contents

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