Headshot of poet Trace Peterson
Photo courtesy of the poet

Trace Peterson is a poet, a literary scholar, and an editor. She earned her BA from Wesleyan University, her MFA from the University of Arizona, and her PhD from The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Peterson is the author of Since I Moved In (Chax Press, 2007), which won the Gil Ott Award in 2007 and was republished in a revised 2019 edition from Chax Press with an introduction by Joy Ladin. Peterson has also published several chapbooks of poetry, including Cumulus (Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, 2003) and Violet Speech (Second Avenue Poetry, 2011). She is coeditor of the groundbreaking anthology Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics (Nightboat Books, 2013) and of Arrive on Wave: Collected Poems, Gil Ott (Chax Press, 2016). She is the founding editor and publisher of EOAGH, a literary journal and small press that won two Lambda Literary Awards and a National Jewish Book Award. Her poetry scholarship has been supported by the Fox Center at Emory University, where she was the 2021–2022 NEH Postdoctoral Fellow in Poetics. She is currently a visiting assistant professor of English at the University of Connecticut, Storrs.