From this Issue

Table of Contents
- John Hollander
- James J. McAuley
- Ben Howard
- Philip Murray
- Richard Weisman
- Jon Silkin
- James Applewhite
- Tom Disch
- H. B. Mallalieu
- Michael Schmidt
- David Bromwich
- Raphael Rudnik
- John Ashbery
- Robert B. Shaw
- Jonathan Galassi
- Dealing with Tradition
- Preaching to the Converted, by Peter Porter
- A Postcard from Don Giovanni, by Grey Gowrie
- Lives, by Derek Mahon
- Written on Water, by Charles Tomlinson
- Desert of the Lions, by Michael Schmidt
- Poems 1970-1972, by Robert Graves
- Wintering Out, by Seamus Heaney
- Happy Enough: Poems 1935-1972, by George Johnston
- Golden State, by Frank Bidart